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Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 

4a: Reflecting on Teaching 

The document to the left is a self-assessment assignment I completed at the end of my student teaching internship. I reflected on a Ballroom Dance lesson I taught to my Dance Appreciation class. I graded myself using the Danielson Framework, Domains 1-4. 

4c: Communicating with Families 

The first document is a welcome letter written to students' families, that were involved in the after school Cultural Arts & Recreation Enrichment (CARE) dance program at Elizabeth Avenue School to introduce myself, as well as the other dance educator I was teaching with. The second document is the newsletter I wrote with my co-teacher to inform families about their children's accomplishments and what they did in our class. 

4d: Participating in a Professional Community 


During my student teaching internship, I attended rehearsals during and after school hours, helped with ticket sales and was the Operations (House) Manager for Columbia High School's The Special Dance Company Showcase. 

4e: Growing & Developing Professionally 


I had the opportunity to attend the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) Conference in October 2019. This conference was a valuable opportunity to enhance my content knowledge and pedagogical skills. I was able to network with other dance educators and expand my knowledge of the conference topic: The Creative Process: Choreography, Choice-Making, and Communication. 

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